“Are You An Active Person, And Are You Looking For The #1 Injury Prevention Expert In Bonita Springs To Improve Your Condition?”

“If YES, congratulations, you’ve found Mike Kriz… the leading sports injury expert in Bonita Springs and one of the few Certified Manual Functional Therapists with Titleist Performance Institute Certification as well as over two decades of experience treating golfers and other clients naturally. ”
Discover The Most Common Golf Injuries & How To Prevent Them

Get your copy of this free report, written by the leading injury prevention expert, Mike Kriz, and learn:
How to stay active and avoid golf injuries in the future.
What are the reasons for your golf injury you could have avoided.
The best stretches to improve your mobility and avoid injuries.
Common mistakes that lead to golf injuries that you didn’t know about.

Read Mike’s latest articles and find out how you can prevent injuries and stay healthy and active.
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June 27, 2024In today’s digital world, wrist health is not just a concern for athletes or laborers—it’s a significant issue for anyone who spends long hours at a desk or handles repetitive tasks. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is a condition that can halt your productivity and hinder your daily life, from swinging a golf club to typing an email. But fear not! At Kriz Physical Therapy, we believe prevention is better than cure. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll show you how to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome and keep your wrists healthy and pain-free. Understanding Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Carpal Tunnel Syndrome arises from pressure on the median nerve within the narrow passageway on the palm side of your wrist, known as the carpal tunnel. This pressure can lead to numbness, tingling, weakness, or muscle damage in the hand and fingers. Activities requiring intense wrist motions or that involve high vibration can exacerbate the risk of developing CTS. Daily Habits How To Prevent Carpal Tunnel Syndrome 1. Ergonomic Excellence Adjusting your workspace ergonomics can significantly reduce strain on your wrists. Ensure that your desk and chair height allow your forearms to be level with the keyboard, preventing wrist overextension. Opt for ergonomic keyboards or cushioned mouse pads that keep the wrist in a neutral position. 2. Take Frequent Breaks How to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome can be as simple as giving your hands a break! Regularly stretch and flex your hands and wrists. This can be every hour or after a finished task—especially important for those who type or use hand tools frequently. 3. Strengthen and Stretch Incorporate specific wrist strengthening exercises into your daily routine. Gentle wrist stretches and grips strengthen exercises help maintain muscle balance and joint stability, reducing the pressure on the median nerve. 4. Watch Your Grip Hold tools and equipment in a way that distributes the pressure evenly across your hand. Avoid a tight grip and try to alternate hands when possible. This tip is crucial for golfers, tennis players, or anyone who uses sports equipment regularly. 5. Mind Your Posture Poor posture can contribute to CTS. Slouching forward can compress the neck’s nerve pathways, exacerbating wrist and hand symptoms. Regular posture checks to ensure your shoulders are relaxed but not slumped can make a significant difference. 6. Temperature and Inflammation Keep your hands and wrists warm as cold can stiffen the hands and aggravate symptoms. If swelling is an issue, consider wearing a wrist splint at night to keep your wrist in a neutral position for relief and proper alignment. Why Addressing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Early Matters Ignoring early signs of carpal tunnel syndrome can lead to permanent nerve damage and debilitating conditions that could sideline you from activities you love and daily tasks. At Kriz Physical Therapy, we specialize in not just treating, but also educating our patients on how to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome with tailored strategies that suit your lifestyle and activities. Take Action with Kriz Physical Therapy As the leading injury prevention experts in Bonita Springs, we’ve guided countless individuals away from the pitfalls of repetitive strain injuries like carpal tunnel syndrome. If you’re looking to enhance your understanding or need specific guidance: Download Our Free Injury Prevention Report: Dive into our detailed guide, designed to help you understand and prevent conditions like CTS. Book a Free Telephone Consultation: Have questions? Let’s discuss your concerns and how we can help you prevent or manage carpal tunnel syndrome. Visit Us for a Free Discovery Session: Experience firsthand our commitment to your health with a visit to our clinic. Learn more about how our personalized approach can make a difference in your life. Don’t let wrist pain hold you back from enjoying your life to the fullest. Reach out to us today and take the first step towards a healthier, more active future without the shadow of pain. Together, we can ensure that your next move is both strong and pain-free. Other Free Resources For Injury Prevention Discover Injury Prevention Techniques That Will Keep You Safe While Playing Golf Learn Proven Ways to Treat and Prevent Lower Back Pain From Golf Without Painkillers, Injections, or Surgery Try These 3 Stretches For Lower Back Pain That Will Heal You Even If You’ve Suffered For Years Follow us on our Kriz Therapy Facebook Page or Kriz Therapy Instagram Page [...] Read more...
May 31, 2024Living with foot and ankle pain can significantly dampen your zest for life, restricting your movement and impacting everything from daily chores to sports and leisure activities. As we approach the sunny embrace of summer, ensuring your feet and ankles are free from pain is essential to enjoying every moment—whether that’s strolling on the beach on your summer vacation, hiking, or just playing outdoors with your kids or grandkids. At Kriz Physical Therapy, we recognize the challenges that foot and ankle issues pose, not just physically but emotionally too. It’s not merely about managing pain—it’s about reclaiming your life and the activities that bring you joy. In this blog, we’ll dive into expert tips to help you avoid and manage foot and ankle pain so you can step confidently into your summer adventures. Understanding Foot and Ankle Pain Before diving into prevention tips, it’s crucial to understand that foot and ankle pain can stem from various sources such as injuries, overuse, inadequate footwear, or even chronic conditions like arthritis. Common injuries include plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendonitis, and sprains, which can all result in significant discomfort and mobility issues. Expert Tips to Prevent Foot and Ankle Pain 1. Choose the Right Footwear: Footwear plays a pivotal role in foot and ankle health. Opt for shoes that provide proper support and fit your feet well. This means avoiding high heels for extended periods and choosing well-cushioned, supportive shoes for sports and outdoor activities. The right shoe can help distribute weight evenly, reducing strain on your feet and ankles. 2. Strengthen Your Feet and Ankles: Regular exercises that strengthen your feet and ankles can significantly reduce the risk of injuries. Simple routines like toe curls, heel raises, and ankle rolls improve strength and flexibility, providing better support and shock absorption for your joints. 3. Maintain a Healthy Weight: Excess weight puts additional pressure on your feet and ankles, exacerbating pain and increasing injury risk. Maintaining a healthy weight through diet and regular exercise can relieve this pressure and improve overall foot health. 4. Stretch Regularly: Flexibility is key to preventing foot and ankle injuries. Incorporate stretching into your daily routine, focusing on the calf muscles, Achilles tendon, and the plantar fascia. This not only enhances flexibility but also reduces the risk of tears and strains. 5. Be Mindful of Surfaces: Walking or running on uneven surfaces significantly increases the risk of foot and ankle injuries. Be mindful of where you’re stepping, especially in outdoor settings, and choose well-maintained paths or surfaces for physical activities. 6. Listen to Your Body: Don’t ignore pain in your feet and ankles. Pain is a sign that something is wrong. Resting and seeking professional advice when pain first appears can prevent more serious issues down the line. 7. Regular Check-Ups: Schedule regular check-ups with a foot and ankle specialist here at Kriz PT who can spot potential problems early and provide guidance on proper foot care and preventive practices. Step Into a Pain-Free Life Don’t let foot and ankle pain hold you back from enjoying life’s beautiful moments. At Kriz Physical Therapy, we are your partners in health, helping you to step confidently and comfortably. As the leading injury prevention experts in Bonita Springs, we have a proven track record of helping our clients overcome foot and ankle challenges and enhance their overall well-being. If you’re ready to take control of your foot and ankle health, we’re here to support you every step of the way: Download Our Free Injury Prevention Report: This comprehensive guide is filled with insights and tips to help you understand and prevent foot and ankle injuries. Book a Free Telephone Consultation: Uncertain about physical therapy? Let’s discuss how we can tailor a plan to address your specific needs. Visit Us for a Free Discovery Session: Experience firsthand how we can help at our clinic with a no-obligation discovery session. Embark on a journey to a healthier, more active lifestyle with Kriz PT. Let’s ensure your steps this summer are pain-free and full of joy. Other Free Resources For Injury Prevention Discover Injury Prevention Techniques That Will Keep You Safe While Playing Golf Learn Proven Ways to Treat and Prevent Lower Back Pain From Golf Without Painkillers, Injections, or Surgery Try These 3 Stretches For Lower Back Pain That Will Heal You Even If You’ve Suffered For Years Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter/X and YouTube! [...] Read more...
April 30, 2024Neck and shoulder discomfort can significantly interrupt your daily life, whether that be interrupting your social plans, sidelining you from your favorite activities, or even hindering your performance at work. This pain can creep up on you at any point in the day making even simple tasks such as working at a desk or just enjoying time with family feel like significant challenges. Playing your favorite sports, such as golf or pickleball, becomes a distant memory as you watch from the sidelines, unable to take part due to your neck and shoulder issues. However, simple yet effective neck pain exercises can help prevent this discomfort and maintain your quality of life. In this blog, we’ll explore six exercises that are key to preventing neck and shoulder pain. Introduction to Neck Pain Exercises Experiencing stiffness in your neck and shoulders can be more than just uncomfortable—it can limit your ability to engage in everyday activities and reduce your overall mobility. To help you manage and prevent this common issue, we’ve put together six neck pain exercises that are easy to incorporate into your daily routine. Shoulder Rolls: Ease Shoulder Tension One of the simplest ways to relieve shoulder tension is through shoulder rolls. This exercise involves: Standing or sitting with your arms at your sides. Slowly roll your shoulders backwards in big, circular motions for 10 repetitions. Reversing the direction and rolling forwards for another 10 repetitions. Benefits: Shoulder rolls help loosen the muscles around your shoulders and neck, increasing flexibility and reducing the risk of stiffness. This exercise is especially beneficial for those who sit for prolonged periods, as it counteracts the typical forward-hunching posture. Side Bends: Improve Neck Flexibility To further target neck stiffness, side bends are incredibly effective. Here’s how to perform them: Sit or stand with your head squarely over your shoulders. Gently tilt your head toward your shoulder, using your hand to apply light pressure for a deeper stretch. Hold for 10 seconds, then slowly rotate your head towards your shoulder to stretch the back of your neck. Repeat on the other side. Benefits: Side bends not only stretch the muscles along the sides of your neck but also enhance the flexibility of the cervical spine. Regularly performing this stretch helps prevent the tightness that often leads to pain. Cross-body Stretch: Unlock Shoulder Tightness The cross-body stretch is a fantastic way to address shoulder tightness: Extend one arm straight in front of you at shoulder height. Use your opposite hand to gently pull the extended arm across your chest while keeping it straight. Hold the stretch for 20 seconds, breathing deeply to maximize the stretch. Switch arms and repeat. Benefits: This stretch works by loosening the shoulder muscles and increasing blood flow to the area, which is essential for healing and maintaining mobility. It’s particularly useful for those who experience tension from repetitive shoulder movements. Neck Tilts: Increase Neck Mobility Similarly to Side Bends, this exercise helps to target stiffness in the neck, this time focusing on the muscles in the front and back of the neck: Tilt your head down, trying to touch your chin to your chest, and hold for 10 seconds. Return to the starting position and then tilt your head back as far as comfortable. Repeat this forward and backward motion several times. Benefits: Neck tilts help stretch and strengthen the muscles in the front and back of your neck, supporting better posture and reducing the likelihood of pain. Chin Tucks: Alleviate Muscle Strain You can reduce the strain on your neck muscles with something as simple as Chin Tucks. Here’s how: While sitting upright, pull your chin back towards your neck, creating a ‘double chin’. Hold for five seconds and then release. Repeat several times a day to strengthen neck muscles. Benefits: Chin tucks are excellent for improving the alignment of the cervical spine and reducing the strain on your neck muscles caused by forward head posture. Cat-Cow Stretch: Experience Tension Relief A dynamic yoga stretch alternating between two positions works wonders for relief and relaxation: Start on your hands and knees, arch your back towards the ceiling while lowering your head (cat position). Slowly dip your back down, lifting your head and tailbone towards the sky (cow position). Alternate between these positions for a series of fluid movements. Benefits: This movement increases spinal flexibility and can help relieve tension all the way along the spine, from the neck down to the lower back. Take Control of Your Neck and Shoulder Health Incorporating these neck pain exercises into your daily routine can significantly enhance your ability to prevent discomfort and maintain an active, pain-free lifestyle. As the leading injury prevention expert in Bonita Springs, Mike Kriz, along with the team at Kriz Physical Therapy, are committed to helping you understand and apply these techniques effectively. If you’re exploring how to further prevent neck and shoulder pain, or if you’re recovering from an injury, consider reaching out for more specialized guidance: Download Our Free Injury Prevention Report: Gain insights into preventing common injuries, tailored specifically to your needs as an active individual. Book a Free Telephone Consultation: Discuss your specific concerns and find out the best approaches to manage your pain. Visit Us for a Free Discovery Session: Meet our team and learn more in person about how we can help you return to your favorite activities without discomfort. Don’t let neck and shoulder pain hold you back. Contact Mike Kriz from Kriz Physical Therapy today, and let’s get you moving towards a healthier, more comfortable life. Other Free Resources Similar To Shoulder And Neck Pain Exercises Read This Expert Blog – How Do You Stop Shoulder Pain From Ruining Your Game? Learn 5 Common Mistakes That Cause You Golf Shoulder Injury And How To Avoid Them Follow us on our Kriz Therapy Facebook Page or Kriz Therapy Instagram Page [...] Read more...
March 28, 2024For golfers and athletes alike, experiencing a lower back injury can feel like a major setback. The frustration of being sidelined can dampen spirits and cloud the future of your athletic pursuits. However, it’s crucial to remember that these setbacks aren’t the end of the road, but just a detour on your journey to full recovery and returning to the game you love – don’t let back pains keep you off the course for long. In this blog post, we’re teeing up some essential lower back injury recovery tips, designed to help you navigate this detour with ease and efficiency. These strategies are not just about healing; they’re about coming back stronger, more resilient, and ready to tackle the green with confidence and ease. Understanding Common Lower Back Injuries in Golf Golf, with its repetitive swinging and bending, puts considerable strain on the lower back. Common injuries include lumbar strain, disc herniations, and facet joint pain. These injuries can result from poor swing mechanics, inadequate warm-up, or simply the wear and tear of the sport. The key to lower back injury recovery is not just about treating the pain but understanding and addressing the underlying causes. Lower Back Injury Recovery: Starting Points 1. Rest: Initially, give your back the rest it needs. Remember, rest doesn’t mean total inactivity but avoiding activities that exacerbate the pain, giving your body the time it needs to heal and laying a solid foundation for a stronger comeback. 2. Ice: Applying ice can be a game-changer in managing inflammation and pain. The cold therapy works by reducing blood flow to the affected area, which can significantly decrease swelling and provide a numbing effect to dull the pain. 3. Gradual Exercise: Once the acute pain subsides, gentle stretching and strengthening exercises can be incredibly beneficial. Focus on exercises that strengthen the core and lower back, as they play a crucial role in supporting your spine. 4. Mind Your Mechanics: Review your golf swing and posture with a professional. Often, minor adjustments can significantly reduce the strain on your lower back. Incorporating proper mechanics is essential for long-term recovery and prevention of re-injury. 5. Stay Flexible: Flexibility, especially in the hips and upper back, can relieve the pressure on your lower back. Regular stretching and mobility exercises can keep these areas limber and support a more fluid, efficient golf swing. 6. Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to the signals your body sends. If you feel pain during a particular activity, take a step back. Gradually increase your activity level based on your comfort and recovery progress. Elevate Your Recovery Recovering from a lower back injury is not just about getting back to the game; it’s about coming back stronger and more resilient. Incorporating these lower back injury recovery tips into your routine can pave the way for a more robust return to golf or any other sport. Yet, I understand that sometimes, despite your best efforts, you might need a helping hand. That’s where I come in. As the leading injury prevention expert in Bonita Springs, I have a proven track record of assisting individuals just like you in navigating their recovery journey. Find Out More About Working With Mike Kriz Download My Free Injury Prevention Report: I’ve created a comprehensive guide packed with valuable insights and strategies to prevent lower back injuries. This resource is yours, absolutely free. Arrange a Free Telephone Consultation: Unsure if physical therapy is the right fit for you? Let’s talk about it. During a free telephone consultation, we’ll discuss your specific situation and determine the best path forward. Book a Free Discovery Session: Experience the clinic firsthand with a complimentary discovery session. Meet the dedicated team, tour our facility, and let’s chat about how we can support your lower back injury recovery and get you back in the game. Your journey to recovery is unique, and we’re here to support every step of the way. Whether you’re a golfer eager to return to the greens or simply looking to enjoy everyday activities without pain, our team is dedicated to helping you achieve your goals. Remember, a lower back injury doesn’t have to mean the end of your active lifestyle. With the right approach, support, and determination, you can overcome this hurdle and come back stronger than ever. Let’s take that next step together. Other Free Resources For Lower Back Injury Recovery Discover Injury Prevention Techniques That Will Keep You Safe While Playing Golf Learn Proven Ways to Treat and Prevent Lower Back Pain From Golf Without Painkillers, Injections, or Surgery Try These 3 Stretches For Lower Back Pain That Will Heal You Even If You’ve Suffered For Years Follow us on our Kriz Therapy Facebook Page or Kriz Therapy Instagram Page [...] Read more...
February 28, 2024For many athletes, especially golfers, shoulder pain is not just a discomfort; it’s a game-changer. The question of “how do you stop shoulder pain” is one that plagues players at any level. Understanding the mechanics of the shoulder, recognizing common injuries, and adopting preventive measures can be transformative in maintaining not just your game, but also your overall quality of life. The Mechanics of the Shoulder and Its Impact on Your Game The shoulder is one of the most mobile joints in the body, allowing a golfer the range of motion necessary to swing a club with power and precision. However, this mobility also makes it susceptible to injuries. The rotator cuff, a group of muscles and tendons that stabilize the shoulder, is particularly prone to injury from the repetitive motions of golf. Common shoulder injuries include rotator cuff tears, tendinitis, and bursitis—each capable of significantly impacting your game. A rotator cuff tear can weaken your shoulder, making it difficult to raise your arm. Tendinitis and bursitis, both inflammatory conditions, can cause pain that is not only bothersome but also debilitating. Understanding Shoulder Mechanics to Prevent Injury So, how do you stop shoulder pain from creeping into your game? A crucial step is understanding shoulder mechanics. Proper form and technique are paramount in preventing shoulder injuries. For golfers, this means maintaining a posture that minimizes stress on the shoulder joint during the swing. It also means recognizing the body as a system where imbalance or weakness in one area, such as the core or lower body, can increase the risk of shoulder injury. Tips to Prevent Shoulder Pain Strengthening Exercises: Incorporating exercises that strengthen the rotator cuff and the muscles surrounding the shoulder joint can provide stability and reduce the risk of injury. Flexibility: Regular stretching can maintain or improve the range of motion of your shoulder, helping to prevent injuries caused by overuse or improper mechanics. Proper Technique: Working with a coach or physical therapist to ensure your swing technique is not putting undue stress on your shoulder can make a world of difference. Rest and Recovery: Allowing adequate time for rest and recovery between rounds of golf can help prevent overuse injuries. Warm-Up Properly: A proper warm-up, including dynamic stretches that mimic the golf swing, can prepare the muscles and joints for the activity to come. How Do You Stop Shoulder Pain? With Professional Help! If shoulder pain is already affecting your game, it’s crucial to seek professional help. Physical therapists specialize in understanding body mechanics and can offer personalized strategies to address and prevent shoulder pain. As the leading injury prevention experts in Bonita Springs, we have a proven track record of helping athletes, particularly golfers, get back to their game without the shadow of pain looming over them. Our holistic approach not only addresses the immediate discomfort but also looks at the body as a whole to prevent future injuries. Take the Next Step Towards a Pain-Free Game Don’t let shoulder pain keep you off the course. Take the first step towards a pain-free game by taking advantage of our resources: Download Our Free Injury Prevention Report: This guide is your first step to understanding and preventing shoulder injuries. It’s filled with valuable information and is available for download at no cost. Book a Free Telephone Consultation: Unsure if physical therapy is right for you? Let’s have a chat. Our free telephone consultation allows us to discuss your specific concerns and determine the best course of action for your shoulder pain. Visit Us for a Free Discovery Session: Experience firsthand how we can help you. Come to our clinic for a complimentary discovery session, where you’ll get a tour, meet our dedicated team, and discuss your shoulder pain and how we can assist in your recovery. How do you stop shoulder pain? By taking action. Let’s work together to keep your game strong and your shoulders stronger. Other Free Resources To Help Answer “How Do You Stop Shoulder Pain?” Discover Injury Prevention Techniques That Will Keep You Safe While Playing Golf Watch Out For These 5 Common Mistakes That Cause You Golf Shoulder Injury And How To Avoid Them Follow us on our Kriz Therapy Facebook Page or Kriz Therapy Instagram Page [...] Read more...
January 29, 2024Are you worried about injury preventing you from enjoying the activities you love to the fullest? If you’re like many of our friends and clients, knee pain might already be interrupting your daily activities, or perhaps even your golf game. But don’t worry, knee injury prevention and even relief could be just a few stretches away. Today, let’s explore some simple stretches you can do from the comfort of your home to ease that knee discomfort. Stretch Your Way to Knee Injury Prevention 1. Quad Stretch: Targeting the front of your thigh, the quad stretch can help alleviate tension around the knee. Stand straight, hold your ankle, and gently pull it towards your buttock, keeping your knees together. Hold for 15-30 seconds, then switch legs. 2. Hamstring Stretch: Tight hamstrings can contribute to knee pain. Sit on the floor with one leg extended and the other bent, foot resting against the inner thigh of the extended leg. Gently lean forward, reaching towards your foot until you feel a stretch. Hold, then switch sides. 3. Calf Stretch: Your calf muscles play a crucial role in knee health. Stand facing a wall, place your hands on the wall at chest level, and move one foot back, keeping it flat on the floor. Lean forward, keeping the back leg straight. You should feel a stretch in your calf. Hold, then switch. 4. IT Band Stretch: The iliotibial band can also affect knee comfort. Cross one leg behind the other and extend your arm overhead, reaching to the side. You’ll feel a stretch along the outer thigh and hip. Hold, then switch. 5. Seated Leg Extension: Sit in a chair and slowly extend one leg in front of you. Hold it straight for a few seconds, then lower it back down. Repeat multiple times, then switch legs. This exercise helps strengthen the muscles supporting your knee. Incorporating these stretches into your daily routine can help reduce knee pain and improve your mobility. Remember, consistency is key! Discover More with Our Free Options Struggling with knee pain and looking for more tips? We’ve got you covered: Download our Free Injury Prevention Report: We’re crafted a guide just for you, which is available for free download. It’s packed with information to help you understand and prevent injury Book a Free Telephone Consultation: Not sure if PT is right for you? Arrange a free telephone consultation. We’ll discuss your discomfort and figure out the best approach for you. Come and see us for a Free Discovery Session: Visit us at the clinic for a complimentary discovery session. Get a tour, meet our team, and let’s chat about your pain and the next steps. Transform Your Health with Kriz Physical Therapy At Kriz Physical Therapy, we believe in a 3-step process to not only alleviate your pain but prevent its recurrence: Listen to Your Story: Your journey and pain are unique. We take the time to understand your specific situation. Find the Root Cause: We go beyond temporary fixes to identify what caused your knee pain. Personalized Recovery Plan: We develop a plan to help you return to your active lifestyle and ensure your pain doesn’t return. Interested in starting your journey to pain-free living? Contact us for availability and cost details, or to book your free telephone consultation or discovery session. Here’s to a life of activity, health, and joy, without knee pain holding you back! Other Free Resources For Injury Prevention Discover Proven Ways to Treat and Prevent Lower Back Pain From Golf Without Painkillers, Injections, or Surgery Watch Out For These 5 Common Mistakes That Cause You Golf Shoulder Injury And How To Avoid Them Follow us on our Kriz Therapy Facebook Page or Kriz Therapy Instagram Page [...] Read more...
December 7, 2023Are you suffering from lower back pain from golf that’s been stopping you from playing and enjoying other activities? If you’ve ever found yourself dealing with that uncomfortable lower back pain after golf or golfing, you’re not alone. But here’s the good news: there are proven ways to treat and prevent this pain without relying on painkillers, injections, or surgery. Lower back pain can seriously hinder your golf game and overall quality of life. Whether you’re a weekend warrior or a seasoned pro, it’s crucial to address this issue so you can keep enjoying the game you love. In this blog, I’ll share some valuable insights and tips to help you get back on the fairway without the nagging lower back pain. Understanding Lower Back Pain From Golf If you’re suffering from lower back pain after golf and you’re worried that you will need to stop playing because of it, then I understand your worries. However, the chances are you just need to get the right treatment and proper training to get back to golf stronger than ever. Lower back pain after golf can have various causes, here are a few of them. Poor Swing Mechanics Incorrect posture or mechanics during your golf swing can put excessive strain on your lower back. You should practice with an experienced trainer to make sure your golf swing is correct. Professional training can improve your technique and performance, so it’s a win-win. Muscle Imbalances Weak core muscles and tight hip flexors are often culprits for lower back pain in golfers. You need to implement core strengthening exercises to your routine to avoid straining your lower back and other muscles. Golf is a physically demanding sport, so you need to be physically ready to play it. Overuse Repeatedly swinging the golf club, especially with improper technique, can lead to overuse injuries and lower back pain. You don’t have to swing the club ten times before you hit the ball. If that’s the case, you need to practice more and find the right technique that will work for you and your body. Proven Ways to Treat Lower Back Pain From Golf Now, let’s talk about how you can effectively treat lower back pain from golf. Here are some strategies to consider. Physical Therapy Working with a skilled physical therapist can be a game-changer. They can assess your movement patterns, identify any muscle imbalances, and create a tailored rehabilitation plan to alleviate your lower back pain. Core Strengthening Exercises A strong core is essential for a stable golf swing. Incorporate exercises like planks, bridges, and leg raises into your routine to build core strength and stability. Flexibility Training Stretching your hip flexors, hamstrings, and lower back can improve your range of motion and reduce the risk of lower back pain. Proper Warm-Up Before hitting the links, warm up with dynamic stretches and gentle swings to prepare your body for the game. Swing Mechanics Consult a golf pro to ensure your swing mechanics are correct and aren’t contributing to your lower back pain. Preventing Lower Back Pain After Golf Prevention is always better than cure. Here’s our expert advice on how you can minimize the risk of lower back pain when golfing. Maintain Good Posture Focus on maintaining a neutral spine and proper posture throughout your golf swing to reduce the strain on your lower back. The right posture will ensure that your body weight and balance is in the right place. A physical therapist and a professional golf trainer can help you get to the right position and keep your posture correct when playing golf to avoid lower back pain after golf. Invest in Proper Equipment Make sure your golf clubs and shoes fit you properly and are suited to your swing. Avoiding lower back pain from golf can be as easy as investing in the right equipment. Consult with a trainer to find the right type of shoes and golf club for you. Stay Hydrated Dehydration can lead to muscle cramps and discomfort. Drink plenty of water before, during, and after your round of golf. Hydration can not only prevent you from getting lower back pain after golf but also from other injuries. Take Breaks If you’re playing a long round, take breaks to stretch and stay loose. Overworking yourself is never a good idea in any kind of sport or activity. Listen to Your Body If you experience any discomfort or pain while golfing, don’t ignore it. Address it promptly to prevent it from worsening. You should seek professional advice from a physical therapist who can provide you with a personalized treatment plan. The Best Treatment For Lower Back Pain  At Kriz Physical Therapy Clinic, we understand the impact of lower back pain on your golf game and your life. That’s why we’re offering some valuable resources to help you get started on the path to pain-free golf. For more information on injury prevention and treatments, you can download our free advice report where I’ve put together some useful information, especially for golfers. You can also book a free telephone consultation with our expert team to discuss in more detail how we can help you recover from your injury or prevent injuries from happening again. If you’re ready to take the next step, you can come and see us for a free discovery visit at our physical therapy clinic in Bonita Springs where we can show you around the facilities and discuss in more detail how we can help you recover fast and naturally and improve your golf swing. Reach out to us today and improve your golf game with our personalized treatment plans. More Free Advice If you want to stay up to date with the latest advice on how to prevent golf injuries, you can follow us on social media and read our expert articles. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to get more free tips and updates from our physical therapy clinic in Bonita Springs. You can also subscribe to our YouTube channel for more expert advice. Read our expert article to find 5 Common Mistakes That Cause You Golf Shoulder Injury And How To Avoid Them. Get our expert Injury Prevention Techniques That Will Keep You Safe While Playing Golf. Find out what 3 Stretches For Lower Back Pain That Will Heal You Even If You’ve Suffered For Years are.   [...] Read more...
November 17, 2023Are you a retiree who enjoys hitting the golf course but is constantly worried about sustaining golf shoulder injuries? You’re not alone! I understand how worried and anxious you are about getting an injury. Maybe you’ve had shoulder pain in the past and you’re worried the next injury would stop you from playing golf and enjoying your retirement. Golf is a wonderful way to stay active during your retirement years, but it can also put your shoulders at risk if you’re not careful. Read this blog to explore five common mistakes that can lead to golf shoulder injuries and provide you with valuable tips on how to avoid them. Neglecting Proper Warm-Up and Stretching Several of the most common causes of golf injuries are caused by neglecting warm-ups and stretches before hitting the course. When your muscles are cold and tight, the risk of injury increases significantly. To prevent this, start with gentle shoulder stretches and gradually work your way through your entire body before teeing off. This will help improve flexibility and reduce the strain on your shoulders during your game. Overlooking Proper Golf Swing Mechanics Your golf swing is a critical factor in preventing golf shoulder injuries. Poor swing mechanics can place excessive stress on your shoulders, leading to pain and discomfort. To avoid this, consider working with a golf instructor who can help you refine your swing technique and ensure it’s biomechanically sound. A well-executed swing reduces the likelihood of injuries occurring. Ignoring Shoulder Strengthening Exercises Maintaining strong shoulder muscles is essential for injury prevention. Neglecting regular strength training can lead to muscle imbalances, which can increase the risk of golf shoulder injuries. Incorporate exercises that target the shoulder muscles into your fitness routine. Consult a physical therapist for guidance on specific exercises tailored to your needs. Overexerting Yourself As a retiree, it’s essential to know your limits and avoid overexertion on the golf course. Pushing yourself too hard can lead to golf shoulder injuries or exacerbate existing ones. Listen to your body and take breaks when needed. It’s better to play a shorter game and enjoy it than to risk injury by pushing through fatigue. Inadequate Recovery and Rest Rest and recovery are crucial components of injury prevention. If you’ve had golf shoulder injuries in the past, ensure you allow ample time for your shoulders to heal. Overworking or returning to the game too soon can worsen the condition. Consider seeking advice from a physical therapist for a personalized recovery plan. The Best Shoulder Injury Prevention If you’re worried that your old injury might come back or that you will start getting some aches and pains in your shoulder as you golf, then we are here to guide you through exercises you can do to prevent this from happening. As the leading injury prevention expert in Bonita Springs, I’ve helped many people just like you recover from injuries as well as prevent them from happening, especially when it comes to playing golf. If you want to know more about our treatments and injury prevention plans, you can get in touch with us in several free ways. For more information on golf injury prevention, you can get a copy of our free advice report where I’ve written some great tips and advice for golfers and other active adults. Another option is to book a free telephone consultation with our expert team during which you can discuss your worries and find out more about how we can help you improve your game and general condition. If you’re ready for the next step, you can come and see us for a free discovery visit in our Bonita Springs physical therapy clinic where we can show you around the clinic and discuss in more detail how we can help you improve your swing and your health. The most important thing is that you choose one of those options and get in touch with us. I am also a passionate golfer, so I understand your concerns and I am here to help you improve your game and give you peace of mind. More Free Advice If you want to stay up to date with the latest advice on injury prevention, you can follow us on social media and read our expert articles. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for more free tips and to see what’s been happening in our Bonita Springs physical therapy clinic. You can also visit our YouTube channel for more advice. Read our expert blog to find out about 4 Common Golf Injuries You Can Prevent If You Do These Exercises. Read our expert article to get Injury Prevention Techniques That Will Keep You Safe While Playing Golf. Find The Best Rotator Cuff Exercises That Will Keep You Away From Another Golf Injury. [...] Read more...
October 26, 2023Golf is a game that’s loved by millions around the world for its serene landscapes, competitive spirit, and the sheer joy of hitting that perfect shot. However, it’s not uncommon for golf enthusiasts to face injuries that can hamper their game and even threaten their ability to play golf in the long run. Are you worried that you will get a golf injury that will stop you from playing golf forever? I love playing golf too, so I know exactly how you feel. As an injury prevention specialist, I understand your concerns, and I’m here to provide you with some valuable insights into how you can enjoy your favorite sport without the fear of getting sidelined by injuries. Read this blog to find out more about sports injury prevention. The Importance Of Injury Prevention In Golf Golf may not be a high-impact sport like football or basketball, but it still requires a lot from your body. The repetitive nature of swinging a club, coupled with the amount of walking involved, can put strain on various parts of your body. For those who’ve suffered golf-related injuries in the past, the fear of recurrence can be daunting. That’s where injury prevention comes into play. As an injury prevention specialist, I’ve helped numerous golfers like you not only recover from their injuries but also develop techniques and strategies to keep injuries at bay. Here are some essential injury prevention techniques that will help you stay safe while playing golf. Warm Up Properly  A proper warm-up is essential before stepping onto the golf course. Start with some light cardio to increase blood flow to your muscles, followed by dynamic stretching to improve flexibility. Pay special attention to your back, shoulders, and hips, as these areas are heavily involved in your golf swing. Perfect Your Swing Technique  Proper swing mechanics can make a world of difference when it comes to injury prevention. Consider taking lessons from a golf pro to ensure your swing is biomechanically sound. A flawed swing can put undue stress on your joints and muscles. Strength And Flexibility Training Strength and flexibility are your allies in preventing golf-related injuries. Incorporate strength training exercises into your fitness routine to build the muscles that support your golf swing. Additionally, work on flexibility to ensure a full range of motion in your joints, which can help reduce the risk of strain. Pay Attention To Your Posture Maintaining good posture throughout your game is crucial. Slumping or rounding your back can lead to back pain, while poor wrist positioning can result in wrist injuries. Focus on maintaining a neutral spine and proper wrist alignment. Working with an injury prevention specialist is crucial in maintaining good posture. Invest In Proper Equipment  Using clubs that are the right length and weight for your body can reduce the risk of injury. Also, make sure your golf shoes provide adequate support and traction to prevent slips and falls on the course. You might want to invest in custom orthotics to further support your posture. Take Appropriate Rest  In addition to these techniques, it’s essential to understand that your body needs time to recover. Don’t overexert yourself with excessive practice or rounds of golf in a short period. Give your muscles and joints the rest they need to prevent overuse injuries. The Best Injury Prevention  If you’re worried about your past injuries and their impact on your golf game, it’s a wise decision to consult with a physical therapist or injury prevention specialist. As the leading injury prevention specialist, I’ve helped thousands of golfers recover from and prevent injuries, so I can help you get rid of your anxiety and improve your overall performance. If you want to find out more about working with me, you can start with a few free options. For more information on injury prevention, you get a copy of our free advice report where you can find some useful tips for golfers. Additionally, if you have questions or want to discuss your situation further, feel free to schedule a free telephone consultation with our expert team. If you are seeking more personal advice, we offer a free discovery visit to assess your condition in person and see how we can help you move forward. Golf is meant to be exciting and relaxing.  Don’t let the fear of injuries hold you back. Get in touch with us today and see how we can help you. More Free Advice  If you want to stay up to date with the latest information on natural injury prevention techniques, you can follow us on social media and read our expert articles. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for more advice and updates from our clinic. Watch our YouTube videos for expert advice on injury prevention. Read our expert article to find 3 Stretches For Lower Back Pain That Will Heal You Even If You’ve Suffered For Years. Learn what are the 4 Common Golf Injuries You Can Prevent If You Do These Exercises. Find The Best Rotator Cuff Exercises That Will Keep You Away From Another Golf Injury.   [...] Read more...
July 18, 2023Have you been suffering from lower back pain that’s been stopping you from doing all the things that you love? Are you tired of not being able to play with your kids, work out, or even go grocery shopping? I really understand how lower back pain can affect your life in so many different ways, especially if you can’t do the things that are a part of your daily routine. However, there are things you can do to stop your lower back pain and improve the quality of your life. Read this blog to find out what are the best stretches for lower back pain you can try to get back to being healthy and active. Lower Back Pain Stretches If you have lower back pain, you have probably tried medication, massage therapy, exercise, and many other treatments to get rid of your pain. However, if you are still experiencing pain and searching for a way to relieve it, stretching may be a great solution to your problem. Here are some of the best stretches for lower back pain we recommend. Pelvic Tilt One of the great stretches for lower back pain is pelvic tilt. It may hurt a little bit at first as you’re holding the position up, but it will help you relieve back pain in the end. Start by lying down on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Take a deep breath and exhale while tucking your pelvis under, gently pulling your lower back flat against the floor. Hold for 10 seconds and release. Repeat this stretch at least 10 times, focusing on drawing your belly button in towards your spine as you exhale and lift your pelvis. The Child’s Pose Another one of the lower back pain stretches you can do is the child’s pose. This exercise is very simple and relaxing, so you shouldn’t have any problems doing it right. Begin on your hands and knees, and then slowly sit back onto your heels. Gently stretch your arms out in front of you, letting your forehead rest on the floor. Stay in this position for at least 30 seconds, taking slow, deep breaths. This stretch is great for stretching out your back and relieving lower back pain. Knee-to-Chest Stretch This is one of the most common stretches for lower back pain and you should feel immediate relief as you do it. Lie on your back with your legs straight, and then bring your right knee up towards your chest. Hold onto your knee and gently pull it in towards your chest. Hold for 10 seconds and then release. Repeat on the other side. This stretch is great for stretching out tight hips, which can contribute to lower back pain. The Best Natural Treatment For Lower Back Pain While the above stretches for lower back pain are great for relieving some minor muscle strain, you might need more specialist help if you’ve been suffering for a long time. The best natural treatment for lower back pain is physical therapy as we can target the specific areas that need improvement and find the root cause of your pain. As the leading injury prevention expert in Bonita Springs, I’ve worked with many patients treating their back pain and preventing it from happening again. If you want to find out more about working with me, you can start with several free options. For more free advice on injury prevention tactics, especially for golfers and other active people, you can download our free advice report with useful tips. Another thing you can do is schedule a free telephone consultation to speak to our expert team and find out how we can help you recover and prevent injuries naturally. Finally, if you are ready to get rid of your back permanently, you can come and see us at the clinic for a free discovery visit, see our facilities, and find out more about how we can help you. The most important thing is to choose one of these options now and get the help that you need before your pain gets worse and stops you from doing all the things you love. More Free Advice On Injury Prevention If you want to stay up to date with the latest advice on injury prevention and staying active, you can follow us on social media and read our expert articles. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for more free advice and to see what’s been happening at our clinic. We also have a YouTube channel where you can find useful information on stretches and exercises. Read our expert article to find out what are The Best Rotator Cuff Exercises That Will Keep You Away From Another Golf Injury. Find out what are the 4 Common Golf Injuries You Can Prevent If You Do These Exercises from our expert blog. [...] Read more...
July 18, 2023If you are a passionate golfer and you’re worried that as you age you might get some injuries, then rest assured that there are things you can do to prevent injuries. I know how debilitating and upsetting it is when you can’t play golf and do other things that you love, and if you already suffered an injury before then I appreciate how worried you are. Golf is a sport that requires a lot of skill, technique, and athleticism. It’s also a sport that can take a toll on your body if you’re not careful. Golfers are prone to a number of injuries, including back pain, shoulder pain, elbow pain, and knee pain. Fortunately, there are some exercises you can do to help prevent these injuries from occurring. Read this blog to find out what are the most common golf injuries and exercises you can do to prevent them. The Most Common Golf Injuries If you’re playing golf on a regular basis then you should look out for some of the most common injuries that you can get when playing. There are preventative tactics that can keep you away from injuries from golf and also improve your general condition. Here are some of the most common golf injuries. Back Pain From Golf Back pain is one of the most common injuries in golf. This type of injury usually occurs due to an incorrect swing technique or poor posture. To prevent back pain, you need to strengthen your core, improve your flexibility, and practice good posture. Shoulder Pain Shoulder pain is another common golf injury. This type of injury usually occurs due to overuse, poor swing technique, or lack of shoulder strength and flexibility. To prevent shoulder pain, you need to increase your shoulder strength and improve your flexibility. Elbow Pain Elbow pain is often caused by poor swing technique, overuse, or lack of flexibility in the forearm muscles. To prevent elbow pain, you need to improve your swing technique and increase your flexibility. It’s one of the most common golf injuries, but luckily it’s easy to treat and prevent it compared to back pain or shoulder pain. Knee Pain Knee pain in golfers is often caused by poor swing technique, overuse, or lack of strength and flexibility in the leg muscles. There are some strengthening exercises that can help you prevent knee injuries and improve your swing. It’s better to prevent knee pain than treat it as knee injuries take a long time to heal. Exercises To Prevent Golf Injuries If you’ve suffered any of the above injuries after playing golf regularly, then you already know how difficult it is to recover from them. I understand how worried and scared you may be as you don’t want to get another injury, or any injury at all. Luckily, there are some great exercises that can help you recover from golf injuries and prevent them from happening in the future. Shoulder Strengthening Exercises Your shoulders play a crucial role in your golf swing, and having strong shoulder muscles is vital. Shoulder injuries are one of the most common golf injuries, so taking care of your shoulders is important. Some of the best exercises for shoulder strengthening include shoulder presses, lateral raises, and reverse flies. Stretch regularly to avoid golf injuries and stay active. Core Strengthening Exercises Having a strong core is essential for good posture and balance when playing golf. A strong core also helps relieve pressure on your lower back, reducing the risk of golf injuries. To strengthen your core, you can do exercises like plank, side plank, and Russian twists. You can also use an exercise ball to do ball rollouts or leg lifts. The Best Injury Prevention Tip If you’re really concerned about getting golf injuries and having to retire from playing completely, then you need to consider getting the specialist help that you need. The above exercises can help you, but if you do them wrong then you might end up hurting yourself more. As the leading injury prevention expert in Bonita Springs, I’ve helped thousands of golfers prevent injuries and treat them, so they can get back to the game. If you want to find out more about working with me, you can start with several free options. For more information on the most common golf injuries and prevention tactics, you can download our free advice report where I’ve put together some useful information. If you want to speak to us, you can arrange a free telephone consultation where you can tell us more about your problem and see how we can help you. Finally, you can also book a free discovery visit where you can come and see us at the clinic, learn more about our specialist treatments, and see if we are the right fit for you. The most important thing is to take action now and improve your condition before you end up getting injured and out of the game. More Free Advice On Injury Prevention You can also follow us on social media and read our expert articles to learn more about injury prevention and the natural treatments that we offer. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for more free advice and to see what’s been happening at our clinic. You can also watch our YouTube videos to learn more about various exercises. Read our expert article to find out what are The Best Rotator Cuff Exercises That Will Keep You Away From Another Golf Injury. [...] Read more...
July 18, 2023Have you suffered a rotator cuff injury and now you’re worried that it will happen again? If you had this problem before, then I understand how scary it is to think that you could get injured again. It’s a very difficult and long process to recover from a rotator cuff injury, and it can stop you from playing golf, which is what you love the most. Golf is an excellent recreational sport and exercise for people of all ages. However, it’s easy to get injured if one doesn’t pay attention to proper technique and body conditioning. It’s essential to prevent any further injury to enjoy golf without any pain. Read this blog to find out what rotator cuff exercises you can do to help you prevent another golf injury. The Best Exercises For Rotator Cuff If you love playing golf but you’re worried that you might get another injury that will stop you from playing forever, then you need to start doing things to prevent this from happening again. There are some great rotator cuff exercises that you can do to help you stay active and healthy so you can play golf without fear of getting injured. Here are some of our recommendations for the best rotator cuff exercises. Shoulder External Rotation One of the best rotator cuff exercises exercises to prevent rotator cuff injuries is a shoulder external rotation. To perform this exercise, you need an exercise band. Hold one end of the band in your un-injured arm and the other end with your other hand. Keep your elbows bent at a 90-degree angle and bring the band to your stomach. Slowly rotate your injured arm away from your belly button and return slowly to your starting position. Repeat this for at least 10-12 times. Prone Scapular Retraction Another one of the great exercises for rotator cuff is a prone scapular retraction, which you can do even at home. Prone scapular retraction is an exercise that develops the muscles of your back that stabilize the shoulder blade. To do this exercise, lie on your stomach, and extend your arms upward with your palms facing down. Keep your shoulders in a relaxed position, and then lift your arms off the ground, squeezing your shoulder blades together. Hold the contraction for 2 seconds and then relax and repeat this 10-12 times. Side-Lying External Rotation Side-lying external rotation is an advanced exercise out of rotator cuff injury exercises and it’s best for those who want to improve their shoulder mobility. To do this exercise, lie on your side, with your injured arm on top. Keeping your elbow close to your body, hold a small weight (1-2lbs). Move your arm towards the ceiling, keeping your elbow against your side. Hold for a few seconds, and then lower the weight. Repeat this for at least 10-12 times. Face Pulls Face pulls work on your rear shoulder muscles and helps in stabilizing the shoulder joint. To do this exercise, attach a resistance band to an overhead bar. Step back to feel the tension in the band and then with both hands, pull the resistance band towards your nose. Keep your elbows at shoulder height and squeeze your shoulder blades together. Hold this position for a couple of seconds and repeat this for 10-12 times. The Best Natural Rotator Cuff Injury Prevention Golfers are vulnerable to rotator cuff injuries, but with the help of rotator cuff exercises, you can avoid them. Strengthening and conditioning your shoulder muscles will not only improve your golf game but will also increase your mobility and prevent any further injuries. If you want to make sure that you’re doing everything correctly, it’s best to get help from an expert like me who can assess your body movements and give you the best rotator cuff exercises tailored to your needs. As the leading injury prevention expert in Bonita Springs, I’ve worked with thousands of golfers over the years and was able to help them prevent rotator cuff injuries. If you want to know more about working with me, you can start with several free options. For more information on the most common golf injuries and how to prevent them, you can download my free advice report where I’ve put together some tips on golf injury prevention. Another thing you can do is schedule a free telephone consultation where you can speak to our expert team and explain a bit more about your situation to see how we can help you. The last option you can choose is a free discovery visit where you can meet us at the clinic, tell us more about yourself and your goals, and find out how we can help you reach them. The most important thing is to choose one of these options now and take action as preventing injuries is much easier than recovering from them. More Free Advice On Injury Prevention If you want to stay up to date with the latest information on injury prevention and golf tips, then you can follow us on social media and read our expert articles. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for more tips and to stay up to date with what’s been happening at the clinic. You can also watch our YouTube videos to listen to more free advice on injury prevention tactics. Read our expert blog to find the 3 Stretches For Lower Back Pain That Will Heal You Even If You’ve Suffered For Years. [...] Read more...
“I am more flexible, stronger, and have better balance than I have had for years.”

Discover how the leading injury prevention expert, Dr. Mike Kriz, helped thousands of people recover from injuries and get back to playing golf and other activities.

“I’ve pushing through and playing with knee pain for years and had several injections that provided short-term relief. The KPT golf program helped me recover, and I am more flexible, stronger, and have better balance than I have had for years.”

Jerry, Bonita Springs

“I didn’t realize just how tight I was and how much the tightness in my hips and lower back affected my left shoulder in my golf swing. I am eternally grateful to be able to play with less or no pain.

Bob, Bonita Springs


“I have a long history of back pain and hip pain that has intermittently kept me from playing golf. Now, I walk up to the tee box confident that my swing will not incapacitate me and I’m enjoying playing with my friends and being competitive again.

John, Bonita Springs

Is This Where You’ve Heard Of Injury Prevention Expert Before?

Mike Kriz’s impact on thousands of golfers and other clients goes far beyond the walls of his clinic, and is one of the many reasons he has an unrivalled reputation as the #1 injury prevention expert in Bonita Springs.

Mike has been hosting regular workshops at local clubs and churches discussing some of the basic injury mechanics and most common reasons for injuries that can happen while playing golf.

Mike Kriz is a Certified Functional Manual Therapist, which gives him more expertise and insight into treating various injuries as opposed to an average physical therapist.

Mike is known as a go-to person for treating golfers in Bonita Springs and many have trusted him to bring their back to health so they are ready to get back on the golf course and swing a club.

Mike wrote several free advice reports, including “The Most Common Golf Injuries”, where you can find information on the best injury prevention tactics and staying healthy when playing golf.

Want Help Deciding if the Kriz PT Golf Program is right for you?

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Perfect for you if;

  • Don't know whether the Kriz PT Golf Program is right for you and your injury or after surgery?
  • Want to visit our clinic and see how you can get fast, natural pain relief.
  • Have questions and aren't sure if your injury can be fixed.
  • Want to speak to an injury prevention expert so you can understand your options.

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Perfect for you if;

  • Don't know whether the Kriz PT Golf Program is right for you and your injury or after surgery?
  • Want personalized advice from the comfort of your own home.
  • Have questions and aren't sure if your injury can be fixed.
  • Want to speak to an injury prevention expert so you can understand your options.