Want To Know More About The Leading Injury Prevention Expert In Bonita Springs?
My expertise and certifications set me apart from other physical therapists that you have seen.
As a Certified Functional Manual Therapist, I am trained to look at the entire body rather than just a specific joint or a few joints.
Areas and structures of the body that you may not think have anything to do with the area or joint that is hurting may have influence over your primary area of concern.
One example that I often see is immobility in the thoracic spine affecting the mobility of the shoulder joint.
Why, simply put, it is because muscles and soft tissues that attach to the thoracic spine also attach to the shoulder blade and, in turn, to the arm. If those tissues are not addressed, complete resolution will never occur.
Evaluating people head to toe allows me to determine the root cause of the problem causing your pain or weakness and prevents me from just treating the symptoms.
Certifying through the Titleist Performance Institute sharpens my skill in working with golfers to return them to the course.
Injury and surgical procedures change the way the body moves, and those changed patterns can remain even after rehabilitation.
Inefficient movement patterns that may not be obvious to the untrained eye can lead to irritation and reinjury in any activity, especially with golf.
Why? The golf swing requires forces that can stress weak, instabilized, or immobile areas of the body. If you consider how many swings you take when warming up and playing 18 holes of golf and apply that to those weak or unstable movements, you can see how reinjury may occur.
Proper analysis of movement patterns to find inefficient patterns is the cornerstone of a program designed to return you to the game with confidence that you will minimize the chance of getting an injury.
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To speak to Bonita Spring's Injury Prevention Expert, Mike Kriz,
call on (239) 992-6700
Or Visit our clinic for FREE in a Discovery Visit
Trusted Referral Partner
A golf expert with TPI certification and 20 plus years clinical practice working with golfers
Visit Our Award-Winning Office
Kriz PT
26651 Dublin Woods Cir, Bonita Springs, FL 34135
Monday - Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday - Sunday Closed